Saturday, December 29, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Guest blogger
I'm tracking santa at the moment and he seems to have delivered 3,430,837,935 gifts already! He's flying over the Czech Republic. How are things up in Maine? I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
We are fortunate in our neighbors. Everyone seems to get along pretty well (and get along in years, as well) and we have a pleasant life with a bit of socializing thrown in.
Many thanks to Hannah for food prep and hosting, and to our bartenders, Emily and Gregg.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tack the halls...

Traveling around looking at lights on Christmas Eve used to be a family tradition. That is, until two years ago, when Jonas would not even look out the car window. Think what he missed. Stubborn young man. Holy mackerel. On the other hand, I am cheered that the banner of The Grinch will be raised high long after Papa is gone. Season's Greetings, everyone.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Death to the invader
By the way, if you want to see a prime enabler of gun violence, just click here. Thank you, as always, Hillaire Belloc.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
The humbug season

Yesterday Grandma and Molly took the boys on the Candy Cane train from Bath to Wiscasset, which features Santa Claus, stories, and cheerleaders as the elves. Very Maine. And that reminds me, it is time for the Maine Christmas carol. You'll remember this, right?
Bob Marley's "Christmas in Maine."
Friday, December 14, 2012
The Kennebec Sea Serpent
Wow! Good thing Woonie is not with us any more. She would go WOOO WOOO WOOO all day long.
Our tides are very high with the new moon.
A novel idea
With a long winter ahead, I am thinking about resuming work on one of the two noevls I started some years ago. Not sure if this is a good idea. Please see KalkTalk.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
We're not usually like this
But who would have thought that two curmudgeons could move so swiftly... and in concert, too?
Sometimes retirement is interesting. Yes, that's the new rug on the left.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Later, the Eagles won, holy mackerel.
At 5 we walked in the cold dark to Mrs. Ceruti's original house, now occupied by Jeff and Karen, excellent new neighbors. Our other new neighbors, Jamie and Sawyer, were there, too. We feel the neighborhood is in very good shape, and we are especially glad for some (relative) youth among us.
Friday, December 7, 2012
The dynamics of razors and blades
Some will say that it takes a very small mind to be interested in razor blades. And they would be on the right track. On the other hand, there is an important general principle here, or maybe two. Aside from examining the familiar business model of cheap razor/expensive blades, which (in the case of Gillette) turns out to be, historically, a myth, we should consider how many items in our lives we can renew instead of replace.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Les bon temps
Friday, November 30, 2012
Despite a 2 hour delay at Logan, we made our DFW connection and arrived on time last night. A couple of po'boys later, we passed a peaceful night and awoke to a sunny, warm day. It will be in the low 70s while we are here. Eat your hearts out, Maine, while we dine on crawfish etoufee and shrimp 'n grits.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Is there one of those brainwashing camps to purge people of pro football compulsions? If so, what is the menu?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
A beautiful evening, calm on the river, fire in the stove, football on the TV -- what more could one wish, with winter ahead?
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Do the Twist
Dance lesson for all of us!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Four Quartets
So much for literature until next fall.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The whole gang stayed in Carlisle and assembled on Saturday for the football game with Exeter, at Andover. It was a beautiful day, and in the 3rd quarter a hugely underdog Andover team led 9-6, but as you can see from the long faces of the faithful spectators to the right, the lead did not hold, and Exeter squeaked out a 35-9 victory. Oh, well.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A new dawn
It was a grand night, after all.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day
Previously, I had thought of leaving the country for election day, but gradually I realized that was a bit extreme. And where to go? One would have to go very far to be out of reach of the media. Newspapers all around the world have sections on the American election, and interest is high. Most of what I read from abroad are expressions of amazement and dismay about the American electorate, so benighted as to give a liar without portfolio a decent shot at becoming president. That, I understand.
So I will take Angus up on his offer and celebrate what what seems a sure win in Freeport.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Marnie drove down to Connecticut to help Julie sort out Maryett Cale's possessions. Maryett passed away just two days short of her 100th birthday.
Today Ed, Ruth, and I toured the Farnsworth Museum and lunched well in Rockland.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Happy Halloween
It is remarkable how this weather event is apparently able to outplay two billion dollars of ad money in the election. Whether or not it will really make any difference, who knows? But it is a lovely distraction.
For some time I have dreaded election night, and have thought of departing for foreign climes. However, having received an invitation to watch election returns at Angus King HQ in Freeport, I am thinking, why not go with a winner? Then come home and go to sleep.
Yes, that's my jack o'lantern to the right. My real hope was to put an LED candle into the mouth of Jonas... now there would be a REAL jack o'lantern! Anyway, I have baked the seeds. They're not as good as Molly's or Bart's, but they are pretty tasty nonetheless.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Here Comes the Storm
It is Sunday, and the Eagles are getting trashed. This pleases me somewhat, as it makes it much more likely that the coaching will change. On the other hand, if the fat fella with the bristly mustache remains, Sundays will be liberated for more productive activities. All good, right?
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sea Smoke
Yesterday we went with the McIlvains and orange-clad Dodger to Hermit Island for a walk. It was gorgeous and almost deserted. Only after we returned did we find, online, a map that would have been helpful in navigating the island beyond the campground. However, Betsy's used John iPhone to help us orient somewhat. Great spot.
Monday, October 22, 2012
We raked up most of the pine needles last week, and today I will use the power mower to mulch and collect the leaves that are down. The final stage won't happen for a couple of weeks, when we rake up the remaining leaves and dump them on Ben's logs. Ah, fall.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Last Boothbay trip
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Also BOOM was OBOOMa in the second debate last night. He felt the power. Watching the debate, something I normally hate, was a lot more fun than watching the Eagles or Patriots.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Hence also the problem for Barack Obama. By giving a lot less than we thought was his best in the first debate with a punching bag Romney, he earned not disappointment, but contempt. Although the press had ballyhooed the importance of the debate, Obama apparently thought otherwise. Thus many turned away from him, and made themselves see in his flyweight opponent something of value: conviction. Romney is convinced that he will and should win the election, and he believes that it is a good thing to lie if that helps. Not to call Romney on his immorality may cost Obama the White House because he did not rise to the challenge.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Let There be Light
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
And speaking of that, today, having watched Mike Vick cough the ball up four times, we saw Peyton Manning perform, for a rotten team, his magic. Now, he could have played for the Eagles. He could have. But no. Andy Reid, the mustachioed bozo who gets a lot of breaks but not enough to overcome his coaching (should be hyphens there but whatever) invested his whole fat heart in Michael Vick's redemption. The media often refers to the walrus look-alike as "stubborn." That isn't it. Stubborn really means stupid. Yet, I'm not sure that's it. He is, more properly put, slow-witted. Very slow-witted. Slower than molasses. Slower than erosion. Slower than me running the 100. Go away, mustache.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
A beach day
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Fungus among us
Thanks to Andrea and Bart, we had a lovely dinner last night at BLUE, in Grey Havens. However, the chowder, so excellent in the summer, was pasty and tasteless. All else excellent, though, and it is a wonderful spot.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Boats hauled
Let's see what a weak El Nino does to our winter.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Pluvius - whovious?
And news, holy mackerel! the Post Cards have offered the keeper's house next door to the Range Light Keepers. We had gotten used to the property sitting empty, but now perhaps something will become of it. Stay tuned.
And if you have not been following the Quattleblog, please note where much of the material is coming from!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Flat again
I pulled the mooring this morning with no trouble. Although the chain had wrapped around the anchor shank a bit, the 3/8" chain came loose easily. Lacking the extra 20 feet of 1/4" chain turned out to be a good thing, as the mooring weathered 40 MPH winds without moving. Good placement by Em and Gregg.
A gloomy weekend is on the way, but the leaves are turning at last and we might enjoy glory next week.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Hannah was here
When Hannah was here in July, she planted some seeds behind the bunkhouse and in front of the outhouse. Although she thought they might not bloom until next year, as you can see, they have done better than that. We are grateful for her green thumb. And summer still rolls along, defying my previous post.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Summer's end
What a long and pleasant summer this has been. In the true GOP spirit of I got mine and screw the rest of youse, we welcome Climate Change.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Miss Movietime returns
There were three of us copyboys. I was 16 that summer, and Brian was a couple of years older. His sister was in my class, he lived in the sticks toward Mt. Laurel, and was a stolid, unimaginative fellow. At the other extreme was Bob, who was 20, an Italian fellow with a lot to say and a great spirit of adventure. Bob liked to pull pranks on Brian, and some of them were excellent without being especially harmful, as Brian was a bit slow to figure things out.

If you don't remember Miss Movietime, let her rest in peace.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Here at the Crotch we have been poking around and enjoying the best weather of the year. On Wednesday we rode across lumpy but pleasant seas to Damariscove, then in to Boothbay for lunch. The town was crowded with lunchers, waits at all eateries. Eventually we saw why: six large tourist coaches lining the street. Lotsa retired folks. Ah, that's us, too.
Monday, September 10, 2012
A great deal of time on the composting toilet may bring good results. The drain was not working, but seems to be, now. Also, it is always helpful to review the directions.
Friday, September 7, 2012
About ten days ago I started making kefir. In the old USSR in 1985 the kefir was horribly sour and bitter, but powerful against digestive problems. At the other extreme is the sugary stuff you can buy at the store. But the real stuff I have made is pleasant tasting as well as potent. I have also begun pickling our garden produce and the Maqoit cucumbers. All of this is simple, cheap, and very healthy. And just a bit Aba, might you say?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
End of an Era
Not really an era, I guess, but today the final Arleigh Burke class destroyer, the Michael Murphy, headed down the Kennebec and out to sea. Many were on hand to see it, and we took Malcolm and two of his guests on Autumn.
BIW is now building superstealth destroyers. Probably they will be wearing disguises as they cruise silently to the sea.
It's always a thrill to see a BIG SHIP!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Autumn is here
Em, Gregg, and I put in a mooring on the other side of Koofis Isle and Autumn is now on it. How long it will last, who knows.
We had a small, select Labor Day party. Oh, so quiet!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Into the Woods
Things went well for a while, too, on the water, as Toby, Sam, and Suzanne tubed behind the Whaler. Bart and I used an underwater video camera to see that the mooring was caught on a huge rock. But I guess the mooring felt its privacy had been invaded, as this morning it cut Autumn loose, and she is now tied to Andrea Hansen's dock, while the two chains and steel mooring mushroom remain forever on the bottom.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Her new 150 HP E-Tec engine is very quiet!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
This weekend, while Bart and Andrea are in Camden, hootin' and hollerin', we have split up the grandkids with Em and thus are being conquered more slowly.
We love it.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Fort Popham
Sam digs while Jonas thinks deep thoughts |
The weather has been excellent. Bart and his family have made good use of Chaika, including trips to Five Islands, Boothbay Harbor, and a circumnavigation on Arrowsic Island. Today they boat up to the library in Bath for some cerebration.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Off to the Cape
![]() |
Looking out from the Pilgrim Monument |
Friday, August 17, 2012
The Old Goat
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Too bad for the pachysandra, but they will recover. After all, each winter they have tons of snow piled on them.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Living on the river
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
An example to the left: Jonas at work with MSPaint on Papa's computer -- another part of his Space Odyssey, I believe.
Jonas loves to climb on rocks and is very fond of "karens." When I asked him to design and create a cairn on a stump by our newly-planted viburnum bush, he produced (in about 90 seconds) this:
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Son of FCJ
The blog is just begun, and available to discerning viewers at
More to come, perhaps.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A couple of Utes
Beforehand, there were some vicious high jinks around the capacious Olympic swimming pool.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Heat and light
This is one of the busiest summers we can remember, with people coming and going and lots to do, always. We had Betsy Henderson, her husband David Wofford, and children Cole and Ian here for Wednesday night, but missed connecting with the VanHooks, who had travel delays. All Hendersons are meeting at the Pressmans' in Sargentville. Quite the zoo, I imagine!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
North Haven
On the way home we found a neat harborside eatery in Thomaston, called the Slipway. Fabulous.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Olympics are here
Unfortunately, wimpy sports like lacrosse are not fit for the Olympics. The IOC defends the faith, and politics play no part in their drive to keep the Games free of new non-trashsport offerings. Here is a list of sports that have been tried and rejected:
* croquet
* motor boating
* polo
* tug-of-war
* plunge for distance
* underwater swimming
* obstacle race for swimming
* cricket
* lacrosse
* jeu de paume
* racquets
OK: "jeu de palme" is handball without a wall. And lacrosse was rejected because it has a French name... wait, don't all the public utterances of the IOC come in French and English? Must be that lacrosse is too sissy. No one can shoot a lacrosse ball as fast as a BB.
Yes, I despise the Olympics. No... wait: I love the Olympics! See my link!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Bye bye Hannah
However, while she was here, Hannah did put a dent in Maine's seafood supply. Her Last Supper was at Gurnet Trading Company, some really great fried clams, and a disappointing (compared to their winter variety) seafood chowder.
It has been a great summer for eating lobster, though not so good for those who trap them.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The power boater's delight
Sunday, July 22, 2012
And the band played on
The weather was perfect and the company starred. The hit of the day was a RAP put on by Suzanne and her siblings, with Sam as beatboxer. The fans howled in appreciation.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Happy Birthday!
Hannah has been here since Monday. Our grounds and good spirits are much the better for her visit. And lately, the weather has been superb.