Musing on the paucity of information in our local paper, the
Times-Record, I recalled my summer as a copyboy for the Camden
Courier-Post, which I see is still in business, remarkably. I guess we have Cherry Hill to thank for that.
There were three of us copyboys. I was 16 that summer, and Brian was a couple of years older. His sister was in my class, he lived in the sticks toward Mt. Laurel, and was a stolid, unimaginative fellow. At the other extreme was Bob, who was 20, an Italian fellow with a lot to say and a great spirit of adventure. Bob liked to pull pranks on Brian, and some of them were excellent without being especially harmful, as Brian was a bit slow to figure things out.

Bob was generous with his car and fairly often we went out after work to see what was happening around the Delaware Valley. There were not many serious bones in Bob's body, but I always remembered one thing he told me about girls. "Look at her mother," he advised. "That's what she's gonna look like in 30 years." I retained this sound advice, and applied it. So, apparently, did my sons-in-law.
If you don't remember Miss Movietime, let her rest in peace.
Miss Movietime, I'd love to take you to The Intouchables tomorrow night if I can find a sitter. Otherwise, I'll settle for your review of Beasts of the Southern Wild....