Friday, December 7, 2012

The dynamics of razors and blades

How irritating to pay $1.70 for a razor blade that can't cost a quarter to make. When Andrea worked for Gillette she gave us blades, but mine are about gone by now (of course, I have a Norelco to explain why they lasted so long; also, I'm cheap). Flying back from NOLA, I saw in Sky Mall that I could get two "Blade Buddies" for the cost of one -- $26. They looked like little baby skatepark ramps, and claimed to extend blade life indefinitely. Hmmm. So, there must be even a cheaper way. Off to YouTube, where I found several good ideas. I tried this yesterday on a worn-out blade, and it worked just fine: the blade was renewed. So easy.
Some will say that it takes a very small mind to be interested in razor blades. And they would be on the right track. On the other hand, there is an important general principle here, or maybe two. Aside from examining the familiar business model of cheap razor/expensive blades, which (in the case of Gillette) turns out to be, historically, a myth, we should consider how many items in our lives we can renew instead of replace.


  1. I love the image of the baby skate park ramp. I love that you are the king of renewal. I love that you give yourself the time you need to pursue this line of thought and action. What next? I'm thinking you could make a new blog dedicated to this idea--making old stuff new again. I scrubbed the mold out of the tub with an old toothbrush instead of buying some "scrubless" harsh chemical junk to not do the job as well. It took about two minutes and was so satisfying. What's that all about? The power of simple renewal?

  2. Wanna cheap shave? Get a good old fashioned safety rezor. Use real blades. The razor Aba got me when I was 16 kicked the bucket a year ago, so I am now on my second real razor. I still have the brush! The blades cost peanuts and get this: They are MADE IN THE USA! If we would learn to get the right stuff first, we would not have to bother with so much crappola! No need for renewal!
