Thursday, November 1, 2012


One of the participants in my Senior College course said to me, "I know this is arrogant, but how can people with any intelligence, or who need government help vote Republican?" No answer from me. I do wonder. I do not know personally anyone except Bruce Poliquin who would support the policies espoused by the present-day "Republican" party. Those policies are mean. Pull up the drawbridge: I've got mine. The really sad thing in this state is to see the racist comments on the side of garages. Well, we get what we are. And, if we don't do something, we deserve it. I can't blame it on Fox News or the pudgy pill-popper on radio. People have to learn to think. That's so hard, isn't it? So what we get is the spineless excrescence to the left. Barf.


  1. For a growing number of people THINKING, about anything, is hard. That is because they are lazy and spend far too much time gazing at glowing screens absorbing crap that ranges from banal to vapid. Get rid of cable TV and your life will improve a lot!! Dave here (Connie and I ripped out all the cable here, took it down from the utility pole and gave it to a passing scrapper)

  2. Just in case-
    vapid: tasteless, uninteresting,dull
    banal: trivial, commonplace, trite

    Dave again
