Friday, November 16, 2012

Four Quartets

Having very briefly touched upon T.S. Eliot's long poem "Four Quartets" in my Midcoast Senior College course, five of us from the course, which ended last week, attended a recital from memory of the poem at the Skidompha (gotta love it) Library in Damariscotta last night. There are about 1000 lines in this poem, and the actor who had memorized them was perfect. He is a nice fella and the display was awesome. He is coming to Philadelphia soon ( if folks there would like to check him out. You'd better look at the poem first, as it is not to all tastes.
So much for literature until next fall.

1 comment:

  1. Neat to hear you went up to Dscotta for some cultcha. Sounds like a nice outing. Hope you will enjoy the break from teaching and will be back at it with gusto next fall!
