Saturday, September 21, 2013

I married a hooker

Somewhere I read that many men have this fantasy. Well, hey, I am living it!
Some years ago, the ring for our Whaler outhaul got buried in the mud; I couldn't find it. But my wife grabbed a clam rake, and dug it out. Yesterday, I foolishly let go the winter stick for our new permanent mooring, attached to heavy shackles -- glug glug, sunk from view, and irretrievable by trolling  at high tide. Ouch!. But this morning we trolled again with the grappling hook, and Grandma hooked the winter stick after about 15 minutes. We put on another heavy nylon line, and cast her back. Ah, success. A hooker and a grappler -- who knew? Lucky me.


  1. It's a good thing your current students don't have parents of their own to come after you and sue you...this blog is, after all, public. (Nice work, Mom.)

  2. All this toodoo about boats...why??
