Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Megunticook, twelve years later

As we climbed the trail to this 1300-foot hill, we thought back to our last ascent, during Thanksgiving years ago. The beauty of that fall day, the impromptu heroism of Hannah and Andrea, and those first beers at the Waterworks!
Today was lovely, too, warm and mosquito-free, and the view from the top was as wonderful as we remembered it.

Thanks to Em and Gregg for sending us to Camden.  It's fun to spend some time before the tourists hit.


  1. Oh, I remember that wonderful hike with the family! Andrea had her long wool coat on and she and Hannah were very intrepid and made the journey up to the top with us all! I am so glad you had a wonderful hike, and I hope your lunch with Mr. Owen was nice. Yay for stealing away for 2 days! Hope the B&B is up to standards.

  2. Camden Maine is much better than Camden New Jersey. In NJ Camden they put toddlers in washing machines at local laundramats.
    I'm Dave but can't figure out the profile stuff.
