Sunday, May 3, 2020

So Much for That

Yesterday was just glorious. We realized how much we had missed the spring. after the earliest and longest mud season evah we had a stretch of gloomy weather, and then the one day of glory. This morning, at 6 AM, the immediate future is clear, clouds and rain, showers and clouds. Ah, but yesterday! We were outside just about all day, sitting around in shorts, doing chores that had piled up, putting plants outside. A few days ago I built a bench, which is installed near hole 6 of frisbee golf, very near the spot where, years ago, I would sit on Sunday and do the crossword puzzle, no children around. Yesterday it was delightful to sit there and watch a pair of osprey fishing, circling high and peeping, then diving straight down, splash. And later, oysters and clams on the screen porch as we had our family Zoom.


  1. The warm, sunny days are just glorious. So happy you have built your bench. Looking forward to sitting on it myself, with no children around...some day.

  2. Wait a minute! That chair was to get away from us??

  3. I remember that chair. Gray-painted jagged boards. Rough and formidable. Like a BIW ship. We stayed away from it, mostly.

  4. I've got to say as much as I love summer I would love it to be winter + Covid free.
