Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Autumn is launched

In this stay-at-home time, what could be better than a boat? Chaika is doing great service in Freeport, and now is our chance. As usual, she started first pull...but then we saw that nothing was coming out of the pee-hole. She ran fine and later I found an obstruction in the outlet hose, so all is well. This happens just as FINALLY the weather is turning seasonable, and soon, maybe even more than seasonal. Things are growing like mad, and tomorrow the lawn gets a haircut. Ironically, although I need a haircut less than almost anyone ("Papa don't got so much hair"), I can get one any time I want, thanks to Flowbee. Wish it could cut the grass.


  1. Congrats on fixing your pee hole. That’s more important than any haircut!

  2. Good day for the 3 Robbers Pub...which we drove past on our way south from the Kennebec River Rail Trail. Have you gone yet??
