Friday, August 30, 2013

Chop chop

This un-PC phrase occurs in a Honda commercial. However, I was reminded of it this morning when we finally met with the surgeon who will (eventually) deal with my achilles rupture. He is a good fellow who has done lots of achilles repairs and was at Dartmouth when Hannah Morgan was there. I have to have lots of blood work before the surgery because of the awesome clot that went from my elbow into my jugular in 2004. But likely the surgery will happen by the end of September so that I will be able to be an inactive participant in the Family Cruise. If you are curious about the operation, here is it on YouTube (of course), complete with jeans.


  1. Good luck! How wise to time the operation so that you will be catered to by a large clan that loves you!

  2. Who said it was a cruise? I suppose it will have to be, do-rag and all. Perhaps your brother Dave would like to go in your place, should you pass up the opportunity? ;). Fat chance.
