Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have been delving into the tome on the right, and have found it most instructive. Of course, the cover had to be face-down while the boys were here, lest I again be called out on Grandparents' Day at daycare. I find that this sort of philosophical inquiry sharpens the critical sense, and is perhaps more efficacious in heading off dementia than crossword puzzles or other tools of the trade. The author is a professor in the California system (Irvine, I think -- what a great place for research in his field).
Meanwhile, hard as I look, I cannot seem to find a good example in our family. I guess that should be cause for joy, but of course it is always good to have a subject nearby for study.
I would be surprised if a copy of this treatise does not find its way into the birthday stocking of our Pen & Pencil philosopher at Loganstein. In fact, it is already packed. (Is the love of surprising others an ash houle trait? Read and find out.)

1 comment:

  1. Not to make too fine a point, but I think that rigorous research would reveal that ALL families include at least one asshole. I respectfully suggest that we have cousins from Philadelphia whom many would consider to be qualified candidates.
    There are so many assholes about that taxing them a few bucks apiece would pay off our national debt by April 16th. Perhaps a Senator would be able to propose an appropriate selection system as a first step toward a new tax. Who, except Tea Party types (and we know what THEY are) could possibly oppose added taxation of certified assholes?
