Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"And see the great Achilles, whom we knew"

Four days after surgery, this is what my left lower leg looked like. The "YES" is a hint from the nurses about which leg needed attention. It apparently worked. In this shot the splint/cast has been removed, and soon a new one will be applied. Uh, oh. The new one didn't work so well. Therefore on Monday we went to Portland and got it redone. Ah, much bettah now.
Although it is very tedious keeping my leg elevated and getting around via scooter (which is excellent), the wonderful weather has put us outside for part of the time, and in any case, you could hardly find a better convalescent view than the one I enjoy from our window seat, looking down river and keeping an eye on the bobbing winter stick marking our mooring.
(Photo credit: Grandma, with flipphone)


  1. So did they write "NO" on the other leg? Now that would really be advanced health care...

  2. Es gross, but a marvelous photo by Grandma all the glad you're on the healing end of things now, Dad! Love you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A fine scar, a bit longer than mine but with the same curve. Enjoy the boot!
