Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The Range Light Keepers have resurrected a bell-striking mechanism for the bell that used to hang on the belltower upriver. They put it all together at the fire station, and the apparatus will strike a bell, just like the old one. We heard it on Sunday, and it is glorious. This will be a display in the Maritime Museum, starting on June 7 (maybe) and running all summer. It should be a big hit there.
The plan afterwards is to move it all to the bell tower, and perhaps to actuate the mechanism from the MMM tour boat.
The real old bell, removed sadly and incompetently in 1972, will also be returning , but just to the Museum. The USCG won't let it go back on the belltower. I believe they are still embarrassed after all these years. And they should be.

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