Thursday, July 4, 2013

God Bless America

Let's be thankful for our country and its ability ever to renew itself. Other powerful nations through history have trashed themselves, or been overthrown, by becoming ever more conservative and self-indulgent. Perhaps this is a natural trend as the stock ages and becomes self-satisfied. And of course we have a powerful drive in this direction in the US today, in the shape of a large elephant that harrumphs and farts every twenty seconds. But the freshness that is indeed "the real America" is constantly renewed, through the agency of freedom, by the young and the foreign-born in a way unduplicated elsewhere in the world. That is why, in difficult times and unpleasant hiatuses, there is always hope, and why, even in our disappointments, there is optimism about the future.

1 comment:

  1. Research has revealed that those who fart frequently and light matches to dispell odor instead of opening windows become conservative republicans, or in cases of repeated and severe flatulatory onslaughts, tea party nut jobs. Just a new bit of science from Dave
