Thursday, December 26, 2013

Best Christmas Morning

A stupendous meal: lox&bagels, sweet rolls, eggs&bacon - what more could you want? And great family gathered at the McGraths. Fine way to start the day.
Another bonus this year is shown to the right. Usually there is some officious sort (OK, sometimes moi) who swoops around, gathering wrapping paper before it hits the ground, and stuffing it into a bag. Not this year: see?
Lots of great gifts and two happy lads plus a couple of Maine coon cats that gave this blogger the most fun he's had in a long time. Yes, cats. Yes, laser light.


  1. Nice photo, nice credit. Maybe you could write the stories, too, so they'd be a bit more INTERESTING!

  2. Sorry for the misplaced comment, it goes with the previous entry about the floating boat.

  3. bout dem Iggles??
