Thursday, November 7, 2013

Paradise Lost

My Senior College class on Milton's Paradise Lost ended on Monday. The students sent me off with the flowers you see to the right. Just like teenagers, they looked expectantly to see if I would know what the flowers were. Well, Laguna Beach is full of birds-of-paradise, and I had no trouble. Whew. Rep unsullied.
It was quite a different experience, reading this work with "mature" folks, compared to the adolescents who studied (I use the word advisedly) it with me for years at Andover. But equally fun. However, now I have put Milton away. Bye, Milton. Off to green woods and pastures new.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous flowers! I'm quite sure I never gave a teacher or professor flowers in my final classes. What a mature touch, indeed.

    I read your post with special interest, as you stated you were off to greener pastures or some such banality. Indeed, you are off to bluer waters.... 10 days to go till we push off for Reveah.
