Saturday, November 17, 2012


Bath Iron Works is building a Zumwalt Class DDG1000 "stealth" destroyer. It will be wicked expensive and wicked powerful and fast. The Navy does not want anyone to know much about it. Therefore, BIW does not release any information about the construction of this ship. However, our keen local eyes yesterday spotted the 7-story-high deck house of the ship being pulled up the river on a barge. It was majestic as it was slowly towed up by the Winslow tugs. It came from Mississippi, and just possibly others have seen it, too. I sent the pic to the Times-Record, but I'm sure their security is tight.


  1. Delighted to see that BIW has some good work on the order book. They should get a gig like Boeing whose Osprey helicopter/plane has been a-building for a generation and still works poorly....but perhaps thats because it was not made in MAINE?? Dave here

  2. The picture above appeared, after all, in the Tuesday Times-Record!

  3. Good to have sharp eyes on the lookout at all times! They should pay you for this great picture!

  4. Did you submit the picture under your alias or as you? If so, watch out for men in black suits....
