Sunday, October 28, 2012

Here Comes the Storm

Maybe. There have been so many false alarms that it is hard to fear catastrophe. Indeed, we have been very fortunate not to be in the vortex of any of the bad weather... for quite a while. Perhaps it is our turn. Anyway, we have gas for the generator, all batteries and computers are charged up, and we are battened down. Even now, Grandma is picking the tomatoes that have not yet ripened, and putting them into a paper bag.
It is Sunday, and the Eagles are getting trashed. This pleases me somewhat, as it makes it much more likely that the coaching will change. On the other hand, if the fat fella with the bristly mustache remains, Sundays will be liberated for more productive activities. All good, right?


  1. Here in Quaker City we are stocked with booze and butts and even a couple of battaries so far all is well. Big iten for lardbuckets Connie abserved at the Dollar store - chocolate chip cookies.

  2. Hey don't knock chocolate chip cookies...unless, of course, they were of the Chips Ahoy variety...
