Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So says Nero Wolfe, and so say I. We hauled Autumn yesterday from the south Bath boat launch...after splicing the trailer lights. On Route 1 just before Brunswick, I felt a bump and saw the right side of the trailer bounding a bit. When I pulled off into the  deserted Pancho Villa parking lot, I noticed the right trailer tire was ripped and deflating. Lucky to get that far. Anyway, a better spot than the Interstate where Bart and I suffered a trailer flat transporting the catboat to Essington on a Sunday. A friendly service manager at Bodwells lent me a lug wrench and jack and soon the spare was on and we were off to Strout's. More adventures on the way home, perhaps, as the lights aren't working right still. We shall see. Pfui.


  1. What? No comment from Uncle Dave about boats? It is indeed good to hear you were not on the highway with tire damage! That is no good. While we are not Bodwells fan, thanks to Bob Burns, I guess it is good to hear they helped you out, sort of. :) Glad Autumn is home away from home for now and that you made it home without much further ado. Chaika lives on and we enjoyed a short jaunt about the bay on her on Sunday. Not sure when we'll pull her yet.

  2. Sometimes you tell 'em and they just don't know. Boats should stay in the water where they won't hurt anyone other than sailors. Would you think of hauling a car across the water on a trailor hooked onto a BOAT? I should hope NOT. Boats and tennis - two activities frought with extreme danger..This is Dave by the way.
