Monday, July 9, 2012

A brutal assault

On Saturday afternoon, in Library Park in Bath, in full view of hundreds of spectators who had come to watch the Fireman's Muster, this blogger was set upon by an unprincipled young tough, who viciously and repeatedly attacked him and knocked him to the turf. No one in the crowd came to assistance of the poor old man, and the young brute expressed his contempt by ripping off the blogger's cap, which had been covering his defenseless bald head, and throwing it far up the hillside, then shrieking with delight. I tell you, it was a dark day for humanity. What is our society coming to? I blame the foul-mouthed governor for cheapening life here in Maine.


  1. Sad to see Maine has joined the Shitty Governors Club." It seems to be growing with each election. I think the cause is Lite Beer. The other day Connie and I picked up some of our favorite "Lions Head", for the thirst that roars. While in line I saw a pasty faced yuppie type carry out a case of Bud Lite LIME. Truly revolting, the pasty face probably works in a bank and wants to be re-named Mitt. Our republic is in peril!!

  2. I wonder if there has ever been a governor like Paul "Turn" Lepage?
    Excoriated here.

    1. Lets find out if he drinks LITE BEER.
